Last night i made up my tent at the shore of the lake Baikal and burned a fire. The weather was quite cold so I used the stones from the fire place and was putting them beneath the tent so I could sleep on them as they where warm.

It is incredible feeling that you can swim and drink in the same time as it os the clearer lake in the Russia. There are 330 rivers flowing inside it and only one out of it. But when the morning came - my Russian friends came aswell by screaming: latvian, where are you (in Russian) and I waked up.

They had a vodka with them and a food so afterwards we moved to their garden where I was collecting strawberries and drinking - that's right - vodka, again.:) So after a short brake with a vodka and strawberries I'm back on stripe again and heading towards Chita, which is about 1000 Km from here and then to China.

The car who picked me up was from the local wintersports base and when the woman found out that I have come along all the way from Europe, she was so glad that she showed me her small and cosy kemping and as I was very drunk, she told me to stay for a few hours, get some rest and made me a bed.

After a short day-brake I continued my trip and was picked up till Ulan Ude city by some youngsters who drove me about 350 Km. From there I walked around 20 km and visited sacred mountains of schamanism, where they even nowadays kill and burn animals to get a blessings from gods. In this part of Russia budism and shamanism are main religions.

From there towards Chita was a real car deficit andI was picked up by a great guy Konstantin, we even drived till the healthy Radon lake on Russian army truck which he bought 5 days ago.
And now I'm walking to Chita where I hope to get the wi-fi connection and move towards Beijing. This must be my last stop in Russia.:) Chita - the city with a lot of chinesse, only about 700 Km from China.